Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Peanut/Almond Butter

 Do you remember the many salmonella outbreaks in peanut butter? Do you know what caused these outbreaks? Unclean conditions. Cockroaches, rats, bird feces, grease buildup, improper processing and more. Do you wanna know how to avoid said problems? Make your own peanut butter!

What you'll need:
16 oz dry roasted peanuts (recipe also works with almonds)
1 TBSP almond oil
1/2 tsp salt
5 minutes of time (seriously...that's all it takes!)

When choosing your peanuts you need to consider how they were cooked. Raw nuts can sometimes carry illness-causing bacteria. Salmonella has been reported from eating raw almonds and pistachio nuts. Cooking the raw nuts is important to kill that bacteria. A couple ways that is done is with steam and dry heat. This reduces the risk for contamination with bacteria from raw nuts. You can look up on the label how they were treated. I bought dry roasted peanuts and made sure there was no other additives in them like oil or salt. 

How to:
Pour peanuts into food processor and blend until they look like the picture below. Pour almond oil and salt over mixture and continue to blend. It'll feel like your blending forever but it will soon turn into a paste consistency. Test your texture until it's to your liking! I like it a little grainy so I didn't completely purée mine. 

When your finished, place it in a sturdy 16 oz container. This peanut butter needs to be refrigerated because there are no preservatives in it. But that's it! Happy homemaking!

Greek Yogurt Fruit Dip
(Not one of my recipes that I made up but I have altered it to my liking and OH MY GOODNESS it's so good!) 
16 oz Vanilla Greek Yogurt
1/2 cup homemade peanut or almond butter
2 TBPS raw honey
Using a hand mixer, blend all ingredients in a small bowl. Chop up some fruit- apples, bananas, strawberries, etc and place on a plate. Dip the fruit into the yogurt mixture and prepare your tastebuds for journey they will never forget! Enjoy! 

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