Friday, June 12, 2015

Twig Flower Wreath

This cute wreath is really one of the easiest projects I've done in a long time...and it turned out so cute!

Things you will need:
Wooden twig wreath (I found mine at hobby lobby...see picture below)
Silk flowers with long stems (be sure the stems are BROWN not green!)
Wire cutters

Size up your wreath to see how many flowers you'll need. I got 3 stems of flowers (each stem had 4 limbs). My wooden wreath was the smallest one you could get..about 10-12". As you can see, the wooden wreath in the picture is ginormous. We're making the same wreath, just jumbo sized, for my sister in-law's wedding. 

Take the silk flowers and cut the limbs from the stem making them close to the same size but not exact. Small variations in size is want it to look natural.

Take the cut limbs and insert them into the wreath at a diagonal. Make sure the stem doesn't come out the other side. Weave it in there nice and tight. Continue this around your wreath evenly alternating where you place them (front, inside, outside). 

Remember, can always go back and add more where is needed. You don't want to be too heavy on one side because you ran out of flowers. So be sure to cover the entire wreath before going back adding more in an area. Once you achieve the desired look and amount of flowers you want, you're done! Hang it on a door hanger and away you go!

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